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Legislative proposal on high speed Internet access throughout Romania

According a press release published on the website of the Chamber of Deputies, received from deputies George Cristian Tuţă and Ioan Sabin Sărmaş (PNL Parliamentary Group), a legislative proposal named “Internet for all of Romania!” was filed.

<<Deputies George Tuţă and Sabin Sărmaş submitted today the legislative initiative through which “Romanians have the right to be guaranteed access to at least one functional fixed broadband internet service”.

As MPs, we have an obligation to create legislation to support economic developments in an increasingly computerized future, and for the Internet to be defined as a universal service. We want Romania to join other countries, which are already on the path of development offered by this global communications network. We are confident that this law, which has been signed with us by another 130 senators and deputies from all parliamentary parties, will be adopted as soon as possible.

Why do we need a law to define the Internet as a universal service? Being defined by law as a universal service, the Internet will be available at high speeds for all Romanians, regardless of where they live in the country, for all businesses that are interested in access, but also for all state institutions. Thus, we will take a new step to simplify and make transparent the relationship between the state and the citizens.

The legislative initiative submitted refers to the fixed point internet, through fiber optics, necessary for the evolution of isolated communities, most of them disadvantaged. Moreover, the pandemic has shown us that some of the jobs can be kept if the activity goes online. Our goal is to enable a range of services over the Internet – where they do not exist today: online learning, telemedicine, video communications, electronic payments or internet banking. Romania must follow this path, if we want to be among the winners of the new era of the knowledge-based economy.

Also, this law’s necessity is given by the implementation of the PNRR, through which very large sums will be invested for the digitalization of Romania. Yes, the future means internet connections for all of Romania.>>

The text of the proposal can be viewed at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vFnru98kWYO9n3HR3uHbNfjf0dhC2Xas

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