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MCSI – Advisory Board – Digital Romania

Today, February 12, 2019, the inaugural meeting of the Digital Romania Advisory Board was held at the Ministry of Communications and Information Society, under the chairmanship of Minister Alexandru Petrescu. Photo: MCSI

ANISP was represented by Mr. Cătălin Cuturela, president; and by Mr. Tiberiu Gîndu, Executive Director. Mr Cuturela pointed out the need to cancel the provisions of GEO 114/2018 on the 3% monitoring fee and up to 10% of the turnover fines for discrepancies in the network authorization regime. He also insisted on the need to change law 50/1991 by establishing a derogatory regime for installation of communication cables – to facilitate construction of gigabit networks and society digitalization.

The working groups defined within this Advisory Board are:

  1.     E-skills
  2.     Ecommerce
  3.     Smart city
  4.     Advanced digital technologies
  5.     Telecom

Further details: https://www.comunicatii.gov.ro/prima-intrunire-a-consiliul-consultativ-romania-digitala/

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